
Thursday, August 22, 2013

#WhatWillItTake President Barack Obama just shared this picture and message publicly on Facebook

What will it take for Congress to make gun violence control a priority? How many innocent kids are going to have to die before action is taken to protect them? #SandyHookElementaryShooting #ComeOnCongress

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Should school teachers have guns for the sake of students' protection? #Controversialconversation

Hello, Readers,
    As you've probably noticed, there is a very heated current debate over whether or not school teachers should be allowed to bring a gun to school in order to protect their students and themselves from intruders. Would this really help reduce school shootings? Would this be too intimidating for students? Could this possibly lead to more violence in schools? I, +Sally Mae, want to know what you think and which side you are on.
Please note: I will always respect your opinions even if I disagree.
